Worship and Music
The Worship and Music Committee helps prepare the church for all worship services. Each Sunday we bring our gifts before God in worship through our service as ushers, lay readers, communion servers, and music. We are always looking for individuals willing to volunteer their time to help out before and during worship services.
Altar Guild
Altar guild members prepare the sanctuary for worship. Our primary responsibility is to prepare the altar for Communion. We care for the linens, paraments, communion ware and the general cleanliness of the area i
n and around the altar. We view our service as a privilege and a joy and invite you to be part of caring for God's house and His people. For more information contact Lynn Light (520) 456-4000.
Acolytes from age 9 to 90+ serve as an attendant to the Pastor and other church leaders as a part of the team which leads worship. They assist with candle lighting, Offering and Communion. By bringing light into the Sanctuary, acolytes remind us of God's presence with us and the words of Jesus: "I am the light of the world." For more information on how you can become an acolyte, contact the office at (520) 459-0444.
Audio Visual
Control presentations, sound, video, recording for a meaningful, multi-sensory worship experience. Anyone, older youth through adults, is welcome to help. Thorough training and practice will be provided. For more information on how you can volunteer, please contact Larry Rewis (520) 439-5551
Music Ministry/Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is open to older youth and adults of all ages who are interested in praising the Lord through choral music. For more information, please contact the church office at (520) 459-0444.
Everyone needs to feel welcome and you never know when a sim
ple, friendly gesture can make a difference in someone’s day. Our mission is to greet everyone who walks through our doors and make them feel welcome and at home. It is also an opportunity to become better acquainted with our church community. If you would be interested in becoming part of this hospitality ministry, please leave a message at the church office (520) 459-0444.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God from the Holy Scriptures. In our services, selected Bible scriptures are read aloud to worshipers by volunteer lay readers. Anyone who can read and comprehend scripture is welcome to join this ministry. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact James Brunk (520) 658-9903 or the church office (520) 459-0444.
Ushers help ensure a smoothly running church service. They minister to people in a variety of ways, such as assisting people with special needs, ensuring bulletins are available, answering visitors' questions, collecting the offering and assisting people to the Lord's Table. If you are interested in being an usher, please contact Anna Bratlien (520) 378-3190.