Saturday, March 01, 2025, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Fellowship Hall, 101 North Lenzner Ave, Sierra Vista, AZ US 85635

Coordinator: Pastor Kurt Fangmeier |

Download: Download Event


Saturday, March 1, at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall

     Every so often, it is healthy for a congregation to do a review of its life, its mission and purpose, to reevaluate whether it’s doing what God is calling it to do and be about in its current context.  It will focus on 3 core ideas: 1) the current social forces that are shaping and impacting the church and society at large; 2) the ways that the church has failed to acknowledge and address these forces, but at the same time highlighting the gifts we already have to address these forces; and, following a break for lunch/bible study, 3) looking at how to do ministry – or more specifically, the Ministry of Resonance - in the current age as we begin to identify what our SELC story is in light of God’s story in Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.

     We want everyone to be present at this event. Youth. Shut-ins. Non-members. Winter visitors... Bring friends and neighbors. Everyone. The more people that participate in this process, the better the discussions, storytelling, and outcome will be.

     Sign-Ups Continue! A light lunch will be provided. We need to know how much food to provide and tables to set up. Sign-up Sunday at the service or call the office mid-week. Let us know about your attendance, your # attending (including guests), and whether you will need CHILDCARE and/or a RIDE to and from church for this event.  We will help arrange transportation and childcare, but only if you tell us you need it.